Tell the World What You Think of Heroes Today and Help Us Win $5,000 Toward Our Mission


February 2, 2011 – Heroes Today needs your help! We ( have an opportunity to win the $5,000 prize that GuideStar USA, Inc., the leading source of nonprofit information, and KIMBIA, a group that empowers nonprofits and other organizations to increase giving, are making available through their Winter 2011 GuideStar-KIMBIA Nonprofit Giveaway. This generous gift could help us accomplish our mission, specifically reaching out to the veterans and the families of those veterans that are in distress.

“We know we are incredibly fortunate to have a passionate and committed constituency,” said Fred Johnson founder of Heroes Today. “If every supporter would take the time to write a review, we know we could be a contender for the GuideStar-KIMBIA Nonprofit Giveaway and could do great things with the prize money.”

Reviews will show our donors and other stakeholders that we are making an impact, are working effectively toward our mission, and are benefitting our cause. Anyone with firsthand knowledge about us who is not a paid employee of Heroes Today— donors, volunteers, board members, recipients of our services—can write a review about us on GuideStar. Your review will appear in our profile on both GuideStar and GreatNonProfits, GuideStar’s partner that makes it possible to write and post reviews.
There is no charge for writing a reviewe, but you are limited to posting only one review for your organization.

About the Winter 2011 GuideStar-KIMBIA Nonprofit Giveaway The giveaway begins on February 1, 2011, and ends at 11:59 p.m. EDT February 28, 2011. The organization that has received the most number of reviews on and during this period will win a grand prize of $5,000.

To write a review, please click on

For more information, see the official rules at:  “Heroes Today is committed to the support of homeless veterans, Iraq/Afghanistan veterans and the families of those veterans. Through our unwavering commitment to excellence and our compassion to make a difference, our outreach has effectively restored self-sufficiency in the lives of the veterans we serve. To share in the experience, please visit our website and view our photos page and see the veterans that have been been empowered as a result of our support.”

News Contact: Frederick Johnson 1.888.330.3235


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